Mozy is free online backup website. Mozy provides 2 GB of free remote backup. After signing up you will have to download their special software. After successful installation of that software select that files of which you want to backup; remaining work will be done by Mozy.For those who want to backup more than 2Gb of data; mozy charges nominal fees. You data on their server is in encrypted form. So no need to worry. Mozy also gives solution to your office backup; by paying some fees mozy gives backup for your data. If you are worried about viruses, hard drive crash then get your backup of your data on
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Here are good reviews of some online backup services, including Mozy:
I have found that the BackUPMAX Online Backup service for Mac and Windows has far more features and better security. It can even help locate a lost computer and erase sensitive data from stolen computers by remote! Here's a link to a secret page with a free six month account:
BackUPMAX was written by these guys: and they sell software that can put anyone into the online backup business with the same kinds of features as in your article.
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