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Tips For Your First Job

Beginning your first job search doesn’t haveto be a frustrating experience. Students are often intimidated by thethought of the first job hunt after graduation but that process can beeasier than they think if they remember the basic job search rules byJohn Petrik.

1. Get out into the real world.
An internship or part-time co-op job tells employers that you havealready experienced a real-world work environment and know what toexpect.

2. Communicate well with others.
No matter what career path you choose to follow — from nurse tocomputer programmer —you have to have solid written and oralcommunication skills to get a job.

3. Network, network, network.
Most grads land jobs through people they know — not by answeringnewspaper ads. So, make a list of your own contacts, such asprofessors, family and friends, and add to it by attending career fairsand other professional associations and activities.

4. Be computer literate.
It’s the information age —you need to be able to demonstrate solid computer literacy that’s relevant to your field.

5. Put your best resume forward.
A resume should be a concise, error-free, reader friendly, one-page document that can be easily scanned.

6. Research.
Take the time to learn about the company you are targeting by visiting its Web site or researching the company at the library.

7. Use examples.
Using specific examples from school or internships to answer questionsabout your experiences paints a clearer picture of your strengths andskills for the employer.

8. Smile!
It’s hard to smile when you’re on the hot seat—but a smile during aninterview shows enthusiasm for the position and the company. Potentialemployers might interpret a non-smiling face as a lack of interest.

9. Show your thanks.
A thank you note following a phone or face-to-face interview reinforces your interest in the position and the company.



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